Putting together the pieces

After changing my project idea a few times, I am pretty happy with the way the final product should turn out. Within ThingLink the project is looking pretty good, and I’m excited for how the class reacts when I present it. I’m trying to narrow down the links I share within the design so that I can present them in a more orderly fashion without taking too much time.

I showed my design to a few more random people over Thanksgiving Break, and I got great responses overall. Most of the work I have left to do is work with the links and place them in the correct spots. I figured out the ThingLink software so that I can zoom in and out of the design (since it’s very very long). Hopefully I get to the end without too many more obstacles!

Blog Post for December 1, 2014

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break!

Since our class last met, I have worked lots on my third project! I recruited my friends at Virginia Tech to share images of their food with me during the week of class before break.  I began editing the images for Instagram and uploaded about three dozen post while I was home.  Additionally, I took screen shots of the posts and uploaded them to a Prezi presentation.

I worked through the many challenges and the short comings of the various programs I was using.  Towards the end of the presentation, I realized that the captions for my Instagram posts did not tell my story as completely as I desired.  I had several of my peers review my Prezi and got similar responses.

I will be presenting on Wednesday, but I still have revisions to make before my project is complete.  First, I need to edit several captions for post on the @very_hungry_hokie Instagram.  Second, I need to take screenshots of the edited posts and upload them to the Prezi presentation.  Finally, I need to update my “Work Cited” and figure out how I want to credit my peers that assisted me in this project.  Additionally, I am continually documenting the challenges I have faced to explain in my project three memo.

12/1/14 – Final Project Efforts

What I Did

Today, I did a final review of my project to make sure it was all complete. I also started working on the presentation of my project. My presentation is Friday and while my actual project is done, I hadn’t started working on what I actually want to present orally. I started working on presentation slides and will continue working on it later once I have my book. Finally, I started working on my reflection memo.

Why I Did It

I feel like I’m in a good place with my Project 3, so at this point I’m working on tying up all the loose ends for the course. I want to figure out a way to present my project that shows off my work but answers all the textbook questions, and I need to wrap up the final written portions of the project (the memo).

The Last One

Over Thanksgiving break I finished finding all of my pins for my boards. I went back and added detailed information to the bios on the individual boards. I wanted to do this to go into further information about the board and the significance of the topic. I still need to go back and proof read all the captions on my pins to make sure they said what I wanted them to say.

I also began to think about how I wanted to present this project to the class. Pinterest is difficult to present and a lot of my pins are gifs so that is proving to be difficult, but I’m locking myself in the Empo tonight so I’ll have that figured out.

I forgot to post last Friday… oops

Here’s a picture of my work on the Friday before break. I promise it was actually that long ago. InnovationSpace didn’t reopen after that until 10 this morning, and I’m here, so that’s my alibi.


first, let me take a selfie.

So I did some work over break at home, and this is my selfie to prove it. I uploaded it at the last minute because it’s a little embarrassing, but what selfie isn’t amiright?


Independent Out of Class Work

So far over this weekend, I’ve created the Facebook posts up until half of the movie.  One of the constraints of my tool is that it’s unable to generate some organic Facebook posts, such I’ve been taking screenshots and altering them with Photoshop.  I’d say I’m making pretty solid progress on the project, and should be done with it in a few days.

doing work


working on my project

What I did

Tonight, I worked on my project for a little over an hour. I mostly worked on the music. I added markers to the songs (seen in the picture below) and aligned the video with the markers that I added. I lined up the scene splits with the beat of the music. I also lined up important clips with specific parts of the music. I had to listen to the songs a few times to decide which parts of the music should align with which clips.

Why I did it

I marked the music in iMovie so I would know where to line up the clips. I wanted to line up the clips with the music so the video would have be more cohesive. With these new changes, visual and audio work together to help my video have more impact. Now that I am almost finished with the audio aspect of my video, I am pretty much finished with my video. I just have to keep tweaking the audio and some of the clips and add some final touches.

music marks

The music marks I added to the music (the blue arrows above the green bar)

Independent Work: Finding Nemo

What I did

Today I made some great progress on my project. After the peer review I was able to finalize my plans for exactly what I was going to do. I started by finding all the clips from Finding Nemo that I wanted to use. I just wen ton youtube and downloaded the clips I needed. I converted them into an mp4 and just imported them from there. I have them in the right order but I need to work on cutting and editing the clips down. I will continue to work on my project over break and have it done and fine tuned before my presentation.

Why I did what I did

So the main reason I waned to stick with the video opposed to still photos was because the video challenged me. I have never used iMovie before and I knew it would be a challenge, but great to learn. I chose these particular clips because they went with the story the best and what most people remember from Finding Nemo. The remix is going to come when I put them in a different order, while adding an alternate ending.

Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 7.47.00 PMScreen Shot 2014-11-21 at 7.46.49 PM Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 7.46.24 PM