11/7/14 – Storyboard Work

What I Did

Today, I worked on a rough outline that works as a very preliminary draft of my story. I figured out who the different characters would be in Blacksburg terms, and how to set the story “Frozen” in Blacksburg. I then sketched a brief storyboard of my remix to help me get an idea of how my project will work visually.

Why I Did It

Since this is a large project, I needed to get my thoughts organized before diving too far into it. By working on organization through both my visual (storyboard) and linguistic outlines, I have an idea of how my story will take shape. This helps me know what kind of visuals and audio to incorporate into my project.

Project 3 Timeline

What I’ve done

So far for my project I have decided that I am going to make a short video. If I run into problems with that, then I will go back to using screen shots with captions. I have done my best to find the different clips from the film that I want to use. Today I am going to make a timeline of events that I want to complete for this project.

Why I’ve done it

I really wanted to make a video because I know that it will challenge me. I have never bad a video or done anything with video editing. I wanted to learn a new skill.


  • M, 11/10: complete research and find the video clips that I want to use
  • M, 11/17: (won’t be in class) But I will start to put together all of my clips in the order that I want
  • W, 11/19: Go to innovation space ad start putting the clips together
  • F, 11/21: Work on the video again and try to finalize
  • W, F, M, W, 12/3–12/10: present my final product
  • W, 12/10: change anything that needs to be changed before turning it in


Here’s a tentative schedule for the completion of my project: 

  • M, 11/10: Mock-up, Storyboard, and/or Outline. (Find out what parts of the poem are crucial for the audience to understand what’s going on)
  • F, 11/14: Make sure a good amount of clips are compiled for the video.
  • M, 11/17: Presentation Sign-up.
  • W, 11/19: Rough Cut for Peer Feedback; Project 3 Revision Plan. (Have at least part of the story finished so I can better understand what improvements need to be made to the video)
  • F, 11/21: Selfie showing yourself at work
  • W, F, M, W, 12/3–12/10: In-class Presentations.
  • T, 12/9: Make final cuts to video.
  • W, 12/10: Project Due by 11:55 PM

This is going to be a challenging project to complete. It’s going to be difficult to compile clips from baseball games that correspond exactly with what is going on in the poem. I’ll have to work diligently to make sure all the main points of the poem are covered and that the story is easy to follow along with.

Project 3 Timeline and Progress on my Project

This will be my timeline for my Project 3: Remix a Story, a remix of Appalachian Jack tales:

  • Friday, Nov. 7th- Continue work on storyboard and Research
  • Monday, Nov. 10th- “Finalized” Storyboard
  • Wednesday, Nov. 12th- begin setting up/attaining all props, video clips, etc.
  • Nov. 13th-16th- Start shooting scenes for project
  • Monday, Nov. 17th- Presentation Sign-up
  • Wednesday, Nov. 19th- Rough Cut for Peer Feedback; Project 3 Revision Plan.
  • Friday, Nov. 21st- Selfie showing myself at work.
  • Dec. 3rd–10th- In-class Presentations.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 10th- Project Due by 11:55 PM EST
  • Thursday, Dec. 11th- recover… or finish other class projects

What I’ve done and Why (as of Wed., Nov 5th) 

So far for this week, I have finalized the main story I am going to be remixing, furthered research on the story and others like it, as well as created an initial write-up/rough outline for the project. Mainly, I began to outline my project so that I could get a jump start on it ahead of other class work and scheduling issues that will be limiting the time I can spend on the project, as well as begin to have a concrete basis on which to create and organize my storyboard on. The further research I have done so far has been reading more “Jack Tales” that are similar to or related to the main story I am focusing on. I have done this to give myself more more ideas for the project as well as make the remix of the story more involved and maintain the risk element I laid out in my proposal(s). The Ideas I have come up with and wish to incorporate into my project from this research are to include additional Jack tale characters, story references to other Jack tales, as well as ways to set these character into modern day Montgomery County, VA.


I have developed a general timeline of work to help me balance this project over the next few weeks:

  • M, November 10: Mock-up, Storyboard, and/or Outline—Skeleton Story (word document); work with fakebook a little to get general info
  • W November 14: Flesh out Skeleton—photos/video; fill out fakebook account with actual story line
  • M, November 17: Presentation Sign-up—continue working on storyline and adding details
  • W, November 19: Rough Cut for Peer Feedback; Project 3 Revision Plan.
  • F, November 21: Selfie showing yourself at work—have works cited done and fix problems found in peer review
  • December 3 -10: In-class Presentations.
  • W, December 10: Project Due by 11:55 PM

Time to get to work!

Mapping out the Minutes

To avoid my usual procrastination I will be putting extra effort into sticking to this schedule we are creating today. In this schedule there are some dates which are concrete and decided by the syllabus but I will be adding additional times and dates to the list to make sure that I’m working from start […]


Informal timeline for my project: 
  • S, 11/9: Research data points to match with Peter Pan plot points and create a storyboard
  • M, 11/10: Mock-up, Storyboard, and/or Outline due.
  • W, 11/12: Begin playing with Flash to see how accessible of a tool it will really be, watch tutorials
  • M, 11/17: Presentation Sign-up., Continue working with flash/InDesign and finding visuals to incorporate
  • T, 11/18: Draft of work set up in Flash
  • W, 11/19: Rough Cut for Peer Feedback; Project 3 Revision Plan.
  • F, 11/21: Selfie showing yourself at work – most work needs
  • Thanksgiving Break: Do the bulk of work in Flash, use this time to perfect it
  • W, F, M, W, 12/3–12/10: In-class Presentations.
  • W, 12/10: Finalize any mishaps that might have occurred in the Presentation
  • W, 12/10: Project Due by 11:55 PM.

So far, I’ve started finding research data about the job market and college graduates in order to narrow down which facts I want to include. It’s been an interesting and informative search so far! I just need to look more in-depth at the plot and try to match parts with facts to make it interesting. Something I have not started yet that I think could be difficult is finding the visuals to use in the video. What I’m picturing is something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx2o2huVm2o  but with peter pan visuals and different information. I just want it to be that style, but a little bit shorter.


The following is the timeline that I am choosing to use for my project

11/10: Mock-up, Storyboard, and/or Outline.

11/10: Accumulate pictures from around campus

11/10: Research the other photos and music that I will need

11/17: Presentation Sign-up.

11/17: Begin assembling the iMovie clips and editing the project

11/19: Rough Cut for Peer Feedback; Project 3 Revision Plan.

11/19: Make last minute edits and tweaks to the project

11/21: Selfie showing yourself at work.

Project Timeline

Monday, 11.10 — Divide story up into diary entries with specific dates,
decide where sketches will appear
Wednesday, 11.12 — Work on sketches for diary,
consider other “artifact options”
Friday, 11.14 — Begin writing diary entries and interview
Monday, 11.17 — Have rough drafts written of all Ichabod’s diary entries and Brom’s interview (develop specific narrative voices for each)
Wednesday, 11.19 — Finalize diary entries and Brom’s interview,
test EZ Flippr software,
record Brom’s interview between now and Friday
Friday, 11.21 — Use Illustrator to create diary (handwritten entries, old paper, coffee stains, etc),
post selfie showing self at work
Over Break 11.24-28 — 
Monday, 12.01 — Finalize diary, insert into EZ Flippr (or other) software,
prepare for presentation.
_____________ — Presentation date
Wednesday 12.10 — Final Project due before midnight

What I did was make a timeline, I did it to stay organized and on task.