Author Archive for lesmccrea2014

Putting together the pieces

After changing my project idea a few times, I am pretty happy with the way the final product should turn out. Within ThingLink the project is looking pretty good, and I’m excited for how the class reacts when I present it. I’m trying to narrow down the links I share within the design so that […]

Friday Work

Today, I inserted my graphic into ThingLink, and began working to insert actual interactive content into the piece. I’m having a little bit of a hard time, because the graphic is so large and the interactive software will only zoom into the middle of it, but I’m sure I can still get it to work. […]

Revision Plan

Strengths: My design is definitely a strength, so I should make sure to keep most of the visual aspects. The only issue with design is that some parts may be a little bit too crowded, so I might try to work on spacing. Rhetorically: I think I need to work on making my story go […]

Moving Along

Today I made a lot of progress on my project. I made a common decision to start by using InDesign to create an info-graphic about the material I am focusing on. It’s looking pretty good! I cannot use InDesign over Thanksgiving break because I do not have it on my computer, and I have already […]

Brick Wall

So, I’ve run into some issues with my original plan. I downloaded Flash and started watching some of the tutorials, but the actual software started affecting my computer. It’s slowing everything down, and shuts down once I start trying to complete any actions. I’m really upset because I’ve wanted to learn Flash for a while […]

Thinking about Peter Pan

Since last week, I did some research and added in facts that I want to include. I tried to relate certain facts to certain characters and/or expressions, but it’s been harder than I thought because most of the pictures I have found to use are of Peter Pan with a huge grin on his face. […]

Creating a Storyboard

I couldn’t get any of the websites to work without paying, so I decided to use Powerpoint to present my information in a storyboard format. Today, I just added photos to the storyboard. I want to be sure to include and introduce all of the main characters from the movie in the storyboard in a […]

Creating a Storyboard

I couldn’t get any of the websites to work without paying, so I decided to use Powerpoint to present my information in a storyboard format. Today, I just added photos to the storyboard. I want to be sure to include and introduce all of the main characters from the movie in the storyboard in a […]


Informal timeline for my project:  S, 11/9: Research data points to match with Peter Pan plot points and create a storyboard M, 11/10: Mock-up, Storyboard, and/or Outline due. W, 11/12: Begin playing with Flash to see how accessible of a tool it will really be, watch tutorials M, 11/17: Presentation Sign-up., Continue working with flash/InDesign […]