Blog Posts

Beginning Project 3

What I Did I have done a lot of behind-the-scenes work on my project since Monday. Specifically, I have spent more time deciding on the content I would like to include in my magazine, such as: how many and which … Continue reading

Progress on my Remix: Finding Nemo

What I have done Since Monday, I have thought more in depth about my project and what I want to do. I decided to go with Finding Nemo. I am still figuring out what I am doing exactly but I have a general idea. I have made a timeline of the key events from Finding […]


What I Did: I brainstormed more ideas for my project — I feel like I want to do a video type of project or one with pictures and images. I was thinking about doing a real-life interpretation of Beauty and the Beast on Virginia Tech’s campus. What I Need To Do: I need to work on […]

October 29

So far on this project I’ve done such research on Hamlet by reading through both Shakespeare’s original play and also the play by Tom Stoppard.  I’ve also looked at sites such as to generate a fake Facebook news feed.  I’m thinking about doing a chronological sequence of events, with the characters of Rosencrantz and […]


I’m still in planning mode, so really I’m trying to figure out what I want to include in my articles. I was also considering actually making the story about the journalist’s career, including “I’m stuck on obituaries,” “I got my first hard news story,” and “Why do I have to cover the society page?” Perhaps […]

Progress on Project 3

What I Did I honestly haven’t done much more with my project this week. I’ve mostly been thinking of ways that I could present my information. I decided a while ago that I wanted to do my project in InDesign, and I’m thinking about doing an infographic or a magazine, but I’m not entirely set […]

beauty and the beast

What I did I decided what story I am going to remix: beauty and the beast. I collected sources such as the original text, the original movie, and modern adaptations. I watched a few clips from the modern adaptations. I researched other clips that I want to use in my video and brainstormed other movies […]

I won’t grow up.

The only thing I’ve really done since last class is that I began looking up stats and facts to try to decide which ones to focus on. I’ve looked up things such as the job market, graduation rates from college, how many students stay a fifth year, and things like that. I also began researching […]

What I Did and Why I Did It: 10/29

What I Did: I’ve still been looking around at different forms of Beauty and the Beast and different tools I may use to tell my story. I’ve been grouping different sets of ideas together so that I have a few choices on how to do the story. We also went over a lot of the […]

10/29/14 – Beginning Project 3

What I Did Today, I brainstormed ideas on how I want to present my project. I’ve decided to use the movie “Frozen,” and I think I would like to connect it to Virginia Tech. My idea for now is to connect Frozen to Virginia Tech, probably by doing a play off of Blacksburg weather. I […]