Blog Posts

Setting up the Order

This is a condensed timeline of events which will unfold through comments, posts, and other entries on my Middle Earth Facebook. I’ve only included the time line and not a mock up because of the medium I’m using, I felt a mock up of what is already going to be a mock Facebook page was […]

Mock-Up for Project 3

What I Did Today, I experimented with the variety of mock-up tools listed in our class blog to see if I could easily use any of them to create a plan for my project. After careful consideration, I have decided … Continue reading

Update for 11/07

What I Did & What I’m Doing – I’m reread and annotated Dr. Seuss’ Oh, The Places You’ll Go! – I’ll be finalizing which story I want to remix for my project since I was also consider another children’s novel. … Continue reading

Mock-Ups and Storyboards

What I Did For my mock-up I completed a few legs of the journey for my Prezi presentation. I selected a large world map as the background for my presentation, which is perfect for what I am trying to display. I used Google Maps to properly identify the location of select cities on the map […]


What I did Today I worked on gathering clips and creating my storyboard. I have a lot of my clips downloaded, I just have to finish finding them and adding them to my folder. My storyboard is composed of screenshots from the clips. Why I did it I took screenshots for my storyboard to show […]


What I Did Well, today was a difficult day. I wasn’t focused, both because of the weather, my plans for the day, and the talk of dining hall food. However, I did get stuff done. Mostly, I’m just trying to put everything in order, and figure out which articles would tell the story that I […]

Friday, November 7th

What I did Today I worked on outlining my story and sketching out a rough story board. I also created five different pages for the diary. One cover page with a title for the diary/project, and four blank pages with various coffee stains and torn edges for an aged look. These will serve as backgrounds […]