Monday Nov. 10

So far on my Remix a Story project, I’ve done the research I think I need on my story.  I’ve rewatched Pixar’s Finding Nemo, as well as an on-stage production of the story.  Also, I did some research on the various mental illnesses and disorders prevalent in almost all of the characters in the story, and I think i’ll try to highlight some of these mental disorders in my project.

As for a storyboard, I’ve found that I’m just more effective in just writing down text when I’m brainstorming and trying to figure out what direction I want to take on a project.  For this reason, I actually just created a Google Doc and started writing some of my thoughts down.  I’ve got a general background on the facts and plot of the story and how I’ll be converting what happens into things on Facebook.

Here is the link to the work I’ve done so far: