What I Did: Today, I worked on formatting details for the project. I made a new menu with pages and I took some screenshots for visual the aspect.
Why I Did It: I wanted to make sure I could include all of the information that I thought was necessary into the Interrogate and Interface page on my blog – but in an organized way. I looked at some of the examples provided, and based my current pages off of those. I included an “About” page, an “Affordances” page, a “Constraints” page, and an “Experiences and Interactivity” page. These may change over time as I work through the information I have and reorganize everything. I think having these separate pages is important to break up the text (essays) of the project into more readable material.
The screenshots I took from the Dipity site were of the timeline creation process. I began creating my own timeline of Virginia Tech events as an example. This is important to show the steps of how to use the site and prove some of the affordances, constraints, and general uses of the tool. I have not decided which pages will include which screenshots yet.
Before next class I plan to insert some of my actual text and visuals into the pages so that I can get some of my work reviewed by a peer on Wednesday.