What I Did
I designed my blog with a simple theme to help the reader easily read my blog, all while having a dash of color and personality to spice up my projects.
I picked simple, pastel earth toned colors for the main colors of my theme. For the fonts, I kept the font as Times New Roman and the basic black font. I added a couple pictures with a nature background, as well as some personal photos.
I chose the title “Through Hannah’s Eyes” and picked the tagline “Finding meaning through words and pictures”.
Why I Did It
When deciding how I wanted my blog for my Writing and Digital media class, I opted to go for something simple yet creative. I want my projects and writing to stand out on there own with the design of the blog to accentuate the projects.
I chose colors that reflected my personality and were also simple enough that they didn’t take away from my writing. I chose some nature photos that I took this summer to show my love for being outside as well as mimicking the earth tones I selected for my blog. Adding some personal photos helps to give the reader an insight as to who I am, and identify with my writing.
I chose the title because I felt that it had a focus that was direct as well as personal. All of my project for this class will have my personality reflected throughout the work, so I wanted to keep that personal focus. I had this same idea in mind for my tagline which has a focus on the work of incorporating words and images, but also has a personal touch.