Author Archive for mlg757


What I did Today, I added pages to my site. I added all of the projects pages, which will only be used as placeholders for now, and the site information pages. I also played around with various widgets including putting a menu in the footer.  Why I did it I was playing around with putting […]

9-05-2014: Multimodal dig

My watch VS Ring (has Virginia Tech engraved around it) VS My T-shirt has an insignia VS Chapstick VSL The button on my purse has text around it VS My Hokie Passport VSL My pen from Housing and Residence Life VSL The Airheads candy in my backpack VSL The sticker on my laptop VS The […]


What I did Today in class, I added a twitter widget to my page. I’m also thinking about customizing the image that is the background of the page.  Why I did It I added the twitter widget to my page because I think that it really gives my page a more personal touch. Visitors to […]

Post 9-01-2014

What I did Today, I set up a WordPress account. I followed along with the instructions provided and established my site to be used as a portal for this semester. I chose a theme to complement my portal as well as make it visually interesting. I also titled my site and gave it a tagline.  […]