Author Archive for mlg757


The story I have chosen to remix is Spider-Man. Specifically, I will use the beginning part of his story from when he gets bitten by a spider to the discovery of his powers. The sources I will use are An overview of the character of Spider-Man as written by Marvel A more in-depth […]

10-17-14: Presentations

The tool I found most interesting from today’s presentations was Stephanie presented this tool and showed us how you can use it to create your own infographics. This could be very useful to use alongside projects for those of us who wouldn’t be able to make an infographic by hand. It really simplifies the […]

10-15-14: Presentations

The tool that I found most interesting from today’s presentations was Canva. Rebecca presented on Canva and I found the tool to be very practical. I can see myself using this tool on a day to day basis. I could make flyers with it to advertise events in my hall, make useful Facebook cover photos, […]

10-13-14: Presentations

In Monday’s presentations, the tool that I found the most interesting and applicable was PicMonkey. Ricky presented about PicMonkey and described it as a tool that is much like Photoshop. I was under the impression that you could use enough of PicMonkey for free to make it a viable option to edit photos if you […]


What I did: Since we last met, I’ve been working on transitioning my answers to the Writer Designer Analysis google doc, to my actual webpage. I’ve also uploaded some screen shots and am working on the layout of my essay. Why I did it: I think its important to start looking at the design of […]


What I did: Today I wrote more on the Writer Designer/Analysis questions and played around with the tool. I began to take screenshots and organize them in my notes. Why I did it: I think that filling this out as I go will help me as I write the essay. It will be a resource […]


What I did: I played around with my site “Comic Master” and created my own graphic novel. I also filled out a good chunk of the Writer/Designer Analysis Questions. Why I did it: Playing around with the site helped me to familiarize myself with its tools and how the site works. This will better help […]


This is a gif of a dentastix commercial. Every time I see this commercial it cracks me up. I particularly remember the first time that I saw this commercial, it shocked me to see the dog go from normal to smiling with real teeth. I thought it would make for a great gif and I […]


This meme came easily to me this morning because this actually happened to me today. I’m an RA on campus and whenever my residents get locked out at ungodly hours, they would rather wake me up than their sleeping roommate. It never ceases to amaze me. Also, this is what my face looks like when […]


What I did Since we last met, I added all the correct pages and wrote an “about me” paragraph for the about page. Why I did it Having the webpages added, even without content, helps me see what still needs to be done. Also, the “about me” section is very important to a personal blog! […]