What I did
I decided what story I am going to remix: beauty and the beast. I collected sources such as the original text, the original movie, and modern adaptations. I watched a few clips from the modern adaptations. I researched other clips that I want to use in my video and brainstormed other movies or tv shows that I could use.
Why I did it
I wanted to do beauty and the beast because I had an idea about it. When I was brainstorming which story to do, I was thinking about some of my favorite movies and stories, and beauty and the beast has always been my favorite disney princess movie. When thinking about how to remix it, I thought about how universal the theme in beauty and the beast is. The common thread in beauty and the beast is applicable in a lot of other situations in modern movies and tv shows and I want to show this through splicing these clips that I researched together in one message. This is where my idea came from. I watched some of the modern adaptations to see a different perspective than the original.