So today was the beginning of Project 2. I decided to go with Prezi as the tool/website that I will focus on. I choose this for a couple different reasons, the biggest being that I was familiar and comfortable with it. I have used Prezi one or two times but I am no where near an expert, and in fact I am absolutely terrible at it. I wanted to use this project as a tool to become better in an online tool that I feel will help me in the future. Prezi is a great tool if used correctly, and by the end of this I hope that I feel comfortable enough to the point where I can use Prezi instead of regular PowerPoints. Another reason I chose Prezi was because of all the customization and different modes of communication that were present on the website. There is so much to talk about on Prezi and this project will give me the opportunity to do so.
I am excited to get started on this project .I was a little nervous at first but now I am ready to tackle this head on and not only learn more about Prezi and what it offers, but also all the other websites/tools that are out there for me to explore and use. This is a great opportunity for me to become an expert in a website that can be extremely beneficial if used effectively.