Day 5: The final edits

What I Did

  • Between last class and now, I uploaded all of my portfolio items and examples. 
  • In order to upload documents, I used the tool Scribd, which allowed me to import my documents for free, and embed it into WordPress.

Why I Did It

  • I did this to take my blog to the next level and make it usable for future portfolios. I wanted my blog to have an extra layer of complexity to it. Now, not only can people see what I did, but they can easily read and view my examples.

What I Still Need to Do

There’s a lot of small things I still need to. This weekend, I need to focus on completing: 

  • Updating About Me page with more information and pictures 
  • Putting all my info for the Site Information page, including theme, Scribd, Widgets, ect. 
  • Organizing menu bar/projects