I think I would be most likely to use Easelly. The design is captivating and beautiful. Apparently it’s very easy to use and the products in the powerpoint examples looks really, really good. I think this tool could be immensely useful for presenting information in a professional manner.
Blog Posts
Site Review: Popcorn maker
by Hannah Avery •
What is is: It is published by Mozilla and similar to iMovies, but for beginners. There are similar features to iMovie because there are drag and drop tools, songs, and different layering options to create innovative movies.
Why it’s interesting: This is a free site that you can personalize to make movie creation easy for beginners. The site is a simple and organized version of a more professional movie editing site. You also have the ability to share through social media. It is also free so it is great for simple projects that
How I would use it: I would use this for simple projects that I would want to create in a small amount of time. This would also be helpful in group projects because you can utilize this tool online, and would not have to worry about having a software downloaded on everyone’s computers.
Blog Posts
The One With the Last Day of Presentations
by alibowker •
Today was the last day of presentations and my favorite one was piktochart. Piktochart is an interface where you can create infographics online. I like this tool because if you don’t have indesign and need a quick way of making an infographic you can do it on Piktochart. I think this is a great tool because you don’t have to pay money for it.
Blog Posts
10/17/14 – Final day of presentations
by Rebecca Robertson •
In today’s presentations, I really liked the tool Piktochart. This tool reminded me of the one I chose, Canva, in that it is a graphic design site. However, it offered more features as far as free templates, charts, and images. Although there were definitely limitations on this site, I think it could a cool tool to use in my third project. Although I probably wouldn’t use it as the main platform for my project, I’ll definitely consider making different graphics or charts that are relevant to my project and incorporating them.
Blog Posts
Wednesday, October 17th
by nickrallen •
I liked Draft the best out of all the presentations today. As a writer, it seems like a great tool. The editing features seem awesome, it seems functional, and I’m very curious about “Hemingway Mode.” The editing features seem way simpler and more useful than Word’s. Definitely going to give it a try!
Blog Posts, Greeting
More Interesting Presenations!
by brookewms •
I enjoyed learning about all the tools presented in class on Wednesday, but I am most inclined to use PIXLR in the future for both professional and personal use.
As Emma mentioned, PXLR is a photo-editing tool that can be used on the web and on smartphones. I liked learning about the tool because it made the photo-editing process seem really simple, and even fun.
I will try to use this tool in Project 3 for my ‘Remix A Story’ presentation/project to give my photos more visual appeal. I have even downloaded the app on my phone for personal use!
Blog Posts
Presentations Day 2
by dnokess •
Of the sites that were presented today, the interface that I found the most interesting was Pixlr. There are many reasons I like this website. It is the only interface I feel like I would get a true benefit from. Also, the interface can be used either via mobile app or web app. This makes it easy to edit photos on the go, as well as on your computer. Finally, being able to apply filters and text to the image is also a convenient feature.
Blog Posts
The One With the Second Day of Presentations
by alibowker •
So yesterday was day two of presentations and honestly I liked the pixlr interface the most. I thought it was a fun way to edit pictures on your computer instead of using Instagram where the photos are only saved to your phone. I think I was also partially biased to this one because it was the one I was going to interrogate before I found Storybird.
Yesterday was also my presentation and I thought it went relatively well. Although I think ended up talking really fast because I wanted to stay within the 5 minute mark and ended up not talking very long at all. So if I went really short I apologize for that.
Blog Posts
Presentations Round 2
by Jenna •
Yesterday was the second day of presentations. It seemed like the general theme of other interfaces are picture editing. Although that’s cool, I don’t really see how they alone can be used for a project, namely Project 3 for this class. One of the presenters did Codepen which I really did not understand. The coolest and most applicable one to me was Slippp an application that you can make funny lists and whatnot. That in addition to something else could make for a funny/ punny third project. I was very sad to hear that the application does not work, so better luck for me tomorrow.