Blog Posts

Wednesday, October 29th

Today I did some “thought work” on how my project will look as a final product. This information is in my blog post from Monday.  Additionally, I used Illustrator to create a first draft of the “old paper” look I may use for Ichabod’s final diary. This may receive more edits and details, but it’s a start. 

Brainstorming: Monsoon Season

Since Monday I have been doing a lot of work on my project, but most of it mental. My thoughts are coming down like cats and dogs in this virtually literal brainstorm. I have decided to redo the classic tail of the Lord of The Rings, if you’ve never heard of this series then I […]

Remix a Story: Update

I’ve decided I probably will not go with shooting a video. I am leaning more towards do a twitter account or some type of twitter conversation with an audio layover. I’m still brainstorming on ideas of how to make it intriguing and unique, which is the hardest part for me. I also have an idea […]

The One Where I Need to Figure Out My Project

On Monday I was all set to do an alternative ending to How I Met Your Mother because I finished the series yesterday and HATED the ending. However, I feel like making an alternative ending would be too easy…Barney and Robin would still be together and the mother would not have died. Instead I am […]


What I’ve Done and Why I’ve Done It Since Monday, I’ve been re-reading Pride and Prejudice. I want to make sure I am fresh on all the details of the story so I can capture everything in my project. This is my first and most important task!

Blog Post for October 29, 2014

Sorry I was late to class today, my Tax Test ran over and my class is a bit of a hike across campus. Today in class we discussed some important terms and went over some helpful information for the final project. I have added the terms source and asset to my list of terms.  Last class […]

The Library of Crime

Today, I decided to explore my sources more to see if there was any information that the Lizzie Borden Documentary didn’t cover.  I was happy to see that all of the information I had previously was correct and got even more details on the life and [possible] crime that Lizzie committed. I was surprised that…

Project 3: Story idea

I would like to tell the story of the 2012 presidential race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. I will focus primarily on the actual election and the campaigning leading up to the final election of Obama. I want to focus on the dynamics and differences between the two candidates. My sources will include: Articles […]

Project 3: Remix a Story

The story I’ve picked is about the characters of Rosencrantz and Guidenstern from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.  The stories is already kind of remixed by Tom Stoppard’s play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, which focuses on the events of Shakespeare’s play through the lens of those two minor characters.  The part of the story I want to focus […]


The story I have chosen to remix is Spider-Man. Specifically, I will use the beginning part of his story from when he gets bitten by a spider to the discovery of his powers. The sources I will use are An overview of the character of Spider-Man as written by Marvel A more in-depth […]