What I Did
I waited on the rainbow wheel a LOT (my files are giant, so I think that I’m frustrating the computer). On a more productive note, I set up the layout for one spread and got about halfway through a second in InDesign. This entailed selecting a background color and inserting placeholder text and boxes where my text and images will go. After those two, I only have one more spread and an ad left, so I’m finally in the home stretch. They do still need text, images, and better fonts, but it’s nice seeing less blank space in my document.
Why I Did It
I’ve been working on one spread at a time, but I think it might be more productive to have the skeleton set up for the rest of the document before I worry about selecting fonts, creating images, and writing the body text. That, and this computer is far too slow for Illustrator (I have better luck with the ones at InnovationSpace), it won’t load my fonts, and I do my body text at home, since it’s about the only thing I can do on a computer that does not have Illustrator or InDesign, so my hands were kid of tied.