My Timeline
I have created a timeline that includes the dates of all the remaining classes in this semester and what I need to have done by each class session. This timeline also incorporates the dates that we must have certain aspects of the projects completed.
Friday, November 7
Finalize a realistic timeline and adjust my magazine as needed based on the assessment of how many days I have left to complete it.
Monday, November 10
Complete an in-depth and strict storyboard for my magazine. This includes deciding exactly which princess stories I want to remix, the title of the magazine, and all other content that will go in my magazine.
Wednesday, November 12
Finish writing all of the content for the interview pages of my magazine. Once the content is written, I can begin the document design aspect of my project. I would also like to have figured out what tool I am going to use to make my pages ‘flip’ by this date.
Monday, November 17
Finish each of the interview pages for the princesses I decide to remix. Presentation sign up is also on this date.
Wednesday, November 19
Friday, November 21
Finish all the remaining pages of my magazine, including advertisements, quizzes, and even public service announcements. Remember to take a selfie demonstrating that I am working from home.
Due Date
What I Did
I spent a lot of time formulating the timeline above not only Wednesday in class, but also yesterday and this morning. I also decided that rather than having me be the writer and editor of the magazine, I want Belle from Beauty and the Beast to the be one “writing” the magazine. Essentially, I will create my project to be an issue of a magazine that Belle publishes monthly.
Why I Did It
I spent so much time formulating my time because I do not want to have to go back and redo it, nor do I want to find myself spending too much time on one aspect of the magazine and forgetting all the other components of my project. My timeline also helped me evaluate whether I will have enough time to complete all the components of the magazine that I desire. I designed my timeline so that in case I do run close on time, all the essential parts of my project are “due” at the beginning, and all the extra, not necessarily essential, components are at the end.
I decided that I want my magazine to be written from Belle from Beauty and the Beast because I felt that added an additional remix to the project. As Belle loved to read and had plenty of time to write as she was locked in the castle with the beast, I think it is perfectly fitting that she be the author of the magazine. I plan to create an ‘About the Author’ page that describes what she thinks about the issue (the magazine I create) and why she wanted to highlight her friends (other princesses) as empowered young women.