Starting Project 2

What I Did 

Today was the first day I began working on my Project 2 assignment. The resource I am focusing on is called Piktochart, which is a site that allows you to make interesting infographics, reports and presentations. They offer a variety of designs, graphics, and even charts. So far, I really like the website. During class, I just approached the site like someone needing to make a presentation for a project, completely open and unbiased. I made sure to note which features I really liked and which were hard to navigate or that the site lacked. I’m still learning how to use Piktochart, but I believe it should be relatively easy to master.

I still need to site down and write out all my thoughts for the essay portion of the project. I plan on using the actual site itself to make the presentation.

Why I Did It 

I spent the whole class period learning how to use the site because I want to understand the ins and outs of Piktochart before I present and report on it. This will also help for when I present and my peers may have questions to ask me.