Today was full of changing and updating. I as already happy with the overall progress of my blog, but today I made some adjustments that I feel made my blog stand out. I started by taking away all of my unused widgets. There were some widgets that were at the bottom of my page that were just taking up space and not adding to my blog. I took them out and added some that I felt enhanced the image and visual of my blog. I added a calendar as well as a mini map with location and hours of our class. They are minor, but they help the reader get a better feel for my blog. It adds more character to it. The biggest thing that I added was a new page titled “Virginia Tech Football History” this goes with my theme and adds a new page other than class projects. On this page I was able to add three highlight videos from present and past Virginia Tech Football games. This interacts more with the reader and provides different modes of communication (Gesture, Visual and Aural).
Those are the biggest changes I made today. The biggest thing I wanted to do was enhance my overall blog’s appeal. I added videos and widgets to interact more with the audience. I look forward to continuing this blog and making it better each and every day.