blog – Writing and Digital Media Class Blogs Blogs by Students in the Fall 2014 Section Tue, 05 May 2015 17:14:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Post for September 29, 2014 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:48:26 +0000 ]]> As a follow up to learning about memes last class, we spent today learning about their animated cousin the GIF.  After watching how to make a GIF of Carlton dancing from a Youtube video, I was instructed to create my own.  So, I simply complied as Michelle Tanner would.  I created a short GIF of young Michelle Tanner from Full House saying one of her most famous lines “You got it, dude.”

I used the Youtube video and simply added “gif” between www. and  Following the prompts I created the GIF below.

Created GIF

Let me know what you think of it!


Day 2: Design Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:57:03 +0000 ]]> What I Did

Today, I made a few more changes to my overall webpage. I have updated and added 2 static pages: an About Me page and a Site Information page. In the About Me page, I included another profile picture and a short blurb about me and the reasoning behind the blog. While I have not added any resources to my Site Information page, I hope to keep it updated in the future. Lastly, what I am most proud of, I have added a Twitter feed widget to my site on my sidebar. 

Why I Did

The reasoning behind the static pages is because they are essential to any blog out there on the Internet. There should always be a page for readers to access in order to learn more about the author, and offering resources is another great way to keep readers engaged. I kept everything short in my updates, and plan to later expand in detail on both pages. However, I think the short blurbs are consistent with my minimalist designs. 

I added the Twitter feed because I thought it would be a fun visual addition for viewers. Not only does it add visual appeal, but it also gives readers a more in depth glimpse into who I am outside the blog. 

Bringing the site to life Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:43:29 +0000 ]]> What I did

Since last year, I have already had my own personal blog, so creating a new one was quick and easy. I added another blog to my account for this class, choosing a simple theme. I am pretty familiar with and really do love how accessible it is to the everyday blogger. 

My site title is temporary, but I have decided on “Being Ariana” for right now. I’m not too happy or attached to it, so I am hoping I can change the title soon. However, I do like my tagline and plan on sticking with this decision. The chosen tagline is: “Writer, designer, thinker”. 

Why I did it

Whenever I work with design, I always aim for a minimalist aesthetic. Even on my own personal blog, the design is simple, so I chose a similar plan with this portfolio. Unfortunately, since the best designs are expensive, this is also the easiest route for now. I plan to add widgets to make my site more appealing. 

I chose my site title because I know for sure that I want to incorporate my name in a unique way. I’m hoping my name helps make my blog memorable. As for now, the current on is a work-in-process. 

The tagline was created with the intention of being a very brief and simple summary of who I am, matching the look and feel of the blog. Writer, designer, thinker are important aspects of my identity and what I like to do. In the future I want to include a bio page, but at first glance, my tagline is meant to give readers a taste of who I am. 
