late – Writing and Digital Media Class Blogs Blogs by Students in the Fall 2014 Section Tue, 05 May 2015 17:14:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Post for October 29, 2014 Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:49:25 +0000 ]]> Sorry I was late to class today, my Tax Test ran over and my class is a bit of a hike across campus.

Today in class we discussed some important terms and went over some helpful information for the final project. I have added the terms source and asset to my list of terms.  Last class I picked a few sources to guide my thoughts.  I have also gathered a few assets.

We were advised to find a place to store our thoughts and collect our sources and assets.  After discussing the importance of copyrights, permission, and fair use terms, I decided to compile my findings in a google document.

I am still considering a variety of platforms to share my story on an have yet to discuss my project with Traci.  As it stands, I would like to do some form of time line.  I am concerned with the complexity of my story.  Since I am elaborating on a very simple story, I am concerned with the extensive originality and amount of the story I am creating if I continue to pursue this story.

Blog Posts for October 27, 2014 Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:57:31 +0000 ]]> Write a blog post that informally proposes the story you will focus on for your remix, or in the language of Chapter 3 of Writer/Designer, “the what” you will focus on. Include the following information:

  • Tell us the story you have chosen.
  • Explain what portion of the story, if relevant.
  • Give us the bibliographic citations and/or links to at least three sources that you will use as you work on your project. You can use any bibliographic format you like, but be sure there’s enough information for me to confirm the sources.

Today in class we started working on Project 3.  I arrived a few minutes late, due to another teacher’s conflicting office hours.  I arrived just in time to hear about the importance of attendance and timelines important for Project 3.

The “What”

Tortoise and the Hare

 The Relevance 

I would like to apply the story to the journey to success for two individuals. The first stays in school for a number of years getting a variety of degrees and the latter character gets a job immediately after graduation.

The Sources

  1. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost –
